When I started this blog, my goal was to keep it up for at least a year, and here we are already. At this moment I find myself feeling much the same as I did when I graduated from high school and was signing my best friend Alexis' yearbook. It took me a year to finally sign it, not only because of the pressure, but also because it was just so final. I could never document completely the first year with our son, but I'd like to believe I have at least captured much of his growth and development...
Alpin weighs in at 19lbs and 28 inches, and has been through some big changes in the past month. His two upper teeth finally came in, they are huge. His blonde hair just keeps getting curlier. He took his first steps (3) on January 13th and proceeded to refuse to take anymore over the next three weeks unless we tricked/coaxed/cajoled him into doing it again. Finally in the last week he has taken off walking and toddles around the house like a drunken sailor. He also climbs on everything, it's kind of scary. He can go up and down stairs, get off furniture on his own, and climb ladders and step stools. The benefit to all this is he conks out pretty quick at bedtime now, finally. He's also eating more than ever, and able to feed himself more and more.
Verbally he still chatters nonstop, and some new sounds have definitely been added (badee bah dee ba dee). He can say 'hi' and wave hello and goodbye. He has perfect form and wrist rotation, parade-ready. 'Mama' and 'Papa' are definitely mixed in as well. He also likes to feed us food, and wipe our mouths with a napkin after we wipe his face. He is also saying uh-oh.
Music is definitely a highlight in his world. He dances the baby booty drop anytime he hears music with a base line, and shakes his head around. Also loves playing all his musical instruments, especially his drum and xylophone.
I believe I've also neglected to mention that his favorite past time (for the last 6+ months) is to move objects from one place to another, organizing and putting them in receptacles. Like putting his toys in the laundry bin, taking toys out of his bucket, taking his books off the shelves or rearranging pine needles on the ground. I'm not sure if this is common behavior, but I know I did a lot of this as a kid, too.
To celebrate his birthday we had a Yellow Submarine themed party at our house for his friends (it's his favorite song). His little friends Enzo, Logan, Addy and Maggie came to celebrate, play and eat cupcakes. Many of his grownup friends were there, too. We had fun singing happy birthday then yellow submarine, and watch him play with the frosting on his first cupcake before realizing it was actually a food product he could eat. He loved the meyer lemon cupcakes I made. We were blessed with a sunny day and the kids played outside for a while, which is a miracle in February.
Then we travelled (road trip!) up to Bend, OR, with Michelle to visit our friends Tina, Blake and their 2 year old Django. We also wanted to find snow, and boy did we ever. Bend had the biggest storm this winter when we were there, and it snowed every day. It was Alpin's first time in the snow, and he loved to watch it fall around him and on his face. We almost didn't make it out of town (or out of the state) on our drive home. It was so fun spending time with them and having the boys play together. Alpin definitely learned a lot from Django, including perfecting his walking skills. We also got to ski Bachelor one day, Andy and I traded off watching Alpin in the lodge. It was the most incredible snow I've ever skied in - just like powder sugar.
On the drive back home we stopped over in Chico and Grandma Becky hosted a family birthday party for Alpin. Most all of the family came and it was such a treat to celebrate with everyone, and see everyone. If only we lived closer and could see each other all the time.
When I reflect over the past year, and beyond during pregnancy, I am still in awe of the miracle of birth. It is all so magical. Frankly, it is also overwhelming to process. I am going to miss my little baby who I wore in a moby wrap, swaddled at night, toted around as he slept most of the time, and would cuddle holding him in his happy place on my chest. I also look forward to a future of less diapers, more sleep, and more baby words I can understand. We are the luckiest parents, blessed with such a mellow child who is also so active and engaged in life. A neverending thank you is due to all our friends and family who have supported us through the first year. The adventures continue...
Alpin's Yellow Submarine Birthday Party
Alpin playing with his gift from mama and papa for the first time
Family Birthday Party in Chico
Showing off his dance skill and standing to walking skills
Photos: click one to scroll through all photos.