Six months since Alpin turned one year. I no longer count his age in months, and the time just flies by as Alpin grows and develops more and more every day. He weighs in at 23 pounds, just keeps getting taller and his hair curlier. It truly is a joy to witness his growth and development as he discovers more and more of his world.
The last six months have been full of big events. Alpin went camping twice, took his first backpacking trip (I know, I can't believe I never got a post up about it) in Desolation Wilderness, we flew to New Jersey for a week to visit my Aunt Ann and cousins Jill and Brian with their twin two year old girls Este and Lucja, and our most recent move from Richmond to sunny Pinole. Life is hectic, and there is little time for updates.
Alpin's favorites are 'food' and 'outside'. He eats like a champ, and would spend all his time outside if it were possible. Preferably in water. He runs around all over our backyard and climbs everywhere. He does cute little happy dances all the time in celebration of the good things in life. At the park he still points himself down the slide, and has mastered most of the chain or plastic ladders to climb up structures, not to mention stairs. Oh and he mastered the seven foot ladder several months ago, a little nerve racking. He can somersault and do the splits, and he'll march around with sticks in both hands whenever possible. To keep you on your toes he will constantly point and say 'look!' (minus any 'L' sounds).
Alpin can sing the alphabet song, and has been doing so for months. It just gets more and more refined. He often wakes up in the morning and starts singing it. He also counts to ten (a little sticky in the 5, 6 arena). His vocabulary grows each day. His most common sentence is 'I want (fill in the blank)'. Other cute phrases are 'gotta go!', 'uh oh', 'yes pease', 'all done', 'I want outshide', 'thank you' and 'I want yummy' (yummy = ice cream, obviously). He waves and says 'bye bye' to anything or anyone departing, including buses he sees or the toilet flushing. His answer to almost any question is 'no', simply because he doesn't understand there is also 'yes'. We have to prompt him to get a yes. He also knows his colors and eyes/ears/nose/mouth.
Alpin loved going backpacking. He was in seventh heaven the whole time, exploring all around our campsite or being carried in the child carrier. There were endless supplies of sticks and things to examine or climb up. Carson also came and was a champ, walking around even though he wasn't even 1 year old. We had a blast even if it was a little exhausting. We're lucky to have such amazing friends to come with us and help carry gear and wrangle babies.
Here are some photos from the past six months…(click one to view larger)