We cannot believe Alpin is 11 months old, and is fast approaching a year. Looking back on all the photos we have taken this year, it is amazing to see how our tiny black haired little guy has turned into a rosy blue eyed baby with long blonde curly hair and unstoppable at crawling. It is truly a gift to watch him learn and grow.
This past month was filled with holiday adventures, and it was so fun experiencing it all with Alpin. It will be even better next year when he understands a bit more what is going on. We still used him as an excuse to find all kinds of Christmas events and houses with amazing light displays.
Alpin is weighing in at approximately 19 pounds and about 29 inches long. He is a fantastic eater and will pretty much eat anything we give him. He is a sucker for cheerios and mandarines, and loves to feed himself. Right now he is teething and the upper teeth are coming in. He babbles constantly with a never ending narrative of his life. I cannot wait until it is translated from baby babble into clearer words.
His capacity to learn amazes me. He can play his new xylophone he got for Christmas, and learned very quickly how to play with his toy grammy got him, which is an elephant that tosses balls up in the air. I thought it would take him months. He also loves his 'racer car' which he can push and walk or ride. He figured out how to put a knee up on it and push himself around.
He will be walking soon, which will be fun and challenging. Right now he is able to play around the house and entertain himself, which is nice for all of us. He loves hanging out in the kitchen while we cook, playing with pots and bowls as babies do.
I've also become a huge fan of a blog called The Ugly Volvo. It's basically the hilarious version of my life write now, written by a comedian/mother who also had a boy in February this year.
Here's a video for your entertainment
Most of the photos from the last month are in the Christmas post, here are the rest...
Walking in Bidwell Park |
loving his racer |
clapping! |
First Full Moon Hike in Tilden |
meeting cousin Jacob |
best buddies |
mama kisses |
wearing their matching seuss hats knit by Amber |
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Santa and Santa Baby |
Gearing up for the Full Moon hike |
playing with Brad and Freya |
helping mama with laundry |
I have a big tube! |
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Alpinist climbing |
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loving the swing |
sudsy baby |
cheeseball |
reading in the bath like mama and grandma |
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