Andy, Alpin, Leann and I piled ourselves into the Matrix (good thing we just bought a roof box) and drove down to Cambria to spend time with Patty and Alexis. It has been tradition for the past 4 years to meet in Cambria for a vacation. It's crazy to think back 4 years, when Alexis and I were not married, and definitely no babies.
Patty is such a wonderful host, there is never a dull moment. We had such a blast playing darts and horseshoes in her yard, plus birdwatching and bird bingo inside. Lots of delicious food and snacks to fuel us through the weekend, too - but no gigantic bowl of guacamole, because unfortunately Mark couldn't be there. Alpin enjoyed rolling around in her living room, and teacher Alexis gave him coaching on his crawling moves. It definitely paid off because now he is on hands and knees rocking back and forth.
We had a beautiful day hike at Montano de Oro on the coast, complete with geocache. Then we spent the afternoon in downtown San Luis Obispo, complete with Cowboy Cookies.
The next day we lounged on the beach at San Simeon Cove. Alpin was so cute in his sunglasses, which he loved. He loves hanging out at the beach. Then we spent the afternoon in downtown Cambria. Leann got to go wine tasting for the first time as well, now that she's legal.
The last night we camped out at San Simeon State Park. Leann, Andy, Alpin and I all piled into the Base Camp 4, and had a cozy night's sleep. It was Alpin's first time sleeping outside in a tent, and he actually slept better than nights indoors (he's always a good sleeper). We had him in his Patagonia bunting, and he was so warm and cozy on his little sleeping pad. We can't wait to go camping again!

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